An introduction to Front-end development
Congratulations on mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This series will guide you through the front-end development landscape, explaining the purpose of various tools, libraries, and frameworks, so you can avoid…
What is a framework in development? Combining front-end tools
When it comes to building a project, you essentially have two options when selecting a framework; either build a custom framework or use an existing framework.
Building a simple developer portfolio from scratch
As a developer, a portfolio is a place to showcase your projects to potential clients or employers.
Faster coding: The art of live reloading during development
In this article, we will discuss how you can make your work more efficient and what are best ways to preview changes in your web development projects.
Managing your project folders during development
As a rule of thumb, your folder structure should be easy to navigate; that's it.
Inline styles and repetition
So far, we have been using inline styles to build our portfolio. Read this article to catch up on the differences between Inline and Internal styles. Inline styles Inline styles…